Would you like in-depth knowledge of EU accession and integration of the EU acquis within the environmental area? During 2023, the Swedish EPA in collaboration with European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA) will launch a second edition of the online course “EU Environment Academy”.
Overview of course topics
The course will be divided into three modules designed to cover the entirety of the EU acquis under Chapter 27 on Environment, including the process of accession negotiations.
General knowledge of EU institutions, treaties, and legislation, including how directives and regulations work. The steps of EU enlargement, approximation, and accession, including the EU screening and negotiation processes. Detailed study of Chapter 27 and its included directives, e.g., directives concerning nature protection, waste management, water, air quality, and environmental information.
See below on this page for a detailed description of each module.
Course details
Course period: Early April – December 2023.
Online: The course will take place online, via Zoom. Two physical meetings are planned during the year, one in the Western Balkans in early autumn, and one in Luxembourg/Brussels towards the end of the course, including study visits to relevant EU institutions. An online educational platform with all related course documents will be provided.
Course language: English.
Workload and course layout: The course is not a university course, but the layout and workload are similar to around 10 ECTS, equating to around 280 hours in total. Expect to spend around 10 hours per week for the course, including online lectures, assignments, and self-studies. There will be a summer break in August. Participants will be given a diploma at the course end, after finishing and passing all modules.
Cost: The course is free of charge for all participants, the Swedish EPA covers all course fees. All costs related to the physical meetings will also be covered by the Swedish EPA. However, we expect your employer to allocate worktime for the course, in part or in full, and to provide technical equipment, such as computer, web-camera, stable internet connection etc.
Literature: All literature needed for the course will be in digital form, and EIPA will provide all necessary reading material on the online platform once the course has started.
More in-depth programme of the 2023 course (pdf 467 kB)
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