Experts for the implementation of training programs in the Academy
Required documents for a lecturer
- The lecturers are experts in implementing the training programs at the Academy.
- The lecturers can be lecturers of the Academy and lecturers as needed.
- Lecturers at the Academy are domestic and foreign judges and public prosecutors, lawyers and university professors, who are engaged in the initial and continuous training programs of the Academy, notaries, mediators, executors and managing administrative officers.
- The Academy’s lecturers are selected from among judges and public prosecutors, lawyers or university professors with eight years of work experience as a judge or public prosecutor.
- The members of the Management Board, the Judicial Council of the Republic of Macedonia, the Council of Public Prosecutors of the Republic of Macedonia and the director of the Academy can also be lecturers in the field of continuous training, without compensation, and they can also give lectures to the students of initial training, but without compensation and the right to evaluate the trainees, in accordance with the general acts regulating the implementation of the initial training.
- Members of the Management Board and their deputies, members of the Entrance Examination Commission and their deputies, members of the Verification Commission, and members of the Final Examination Commission and their deputies cannot be selected as lecturers in initial training.
- Lecturers, as needed, are experts who are engaged for separate training or a cycle of trainings, in certain legal areas and topics, as well as for trainings for general complementary and non-legal areas and topics from the ranks of prominent experts in the relevant area for which they are engaged, medicine, computer technologies, foreign languages, sociology, communication sciences, economics, psychology and from other sciences, related to the topics of the training programs.
Prerequisites for lecturers
- Completed application for lecturer;
- Short biography (CV);
- Certificate of non-conviction for a crime of an unconditional prison sentence of at least six months;
- Confirmation of an unpronounced sentence or misdemeanor sanction, a ban on the exercise of a profession, activity or duty for a crime or offense related to abuse of the judge’s or public prosecutor’s office.
Application for a lecturer at the Academy
List of lecturers