The Council of Europe Programme Office in Skopje was established in 2012. Currently the Office is implementing projects within the joint programme for cooperation with the European Union “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey 2019-2022” (Horizontal Facility II) focused on the following fields: justice (reforms of the penitentiary system and police, strengthening the capacity of the judiciary for protection of human rights and fight against inhuman and humiliating treatment and against impunity); economic crime; promotion of preventing discrimination and protecting the rights of vulnerable groups (victims of human trafficking and labour exploitation) and freedom of expression and the media.
The Academy for Judges and Public Prosecutors is actively involved in the implementation of the project activities, especially in the realization of the project goals foreseen with JUFREX 2 project, which is a continuation of the successful implementation of JUFREX 1, and which covers issues related to freedom of expression and freedom on the media.