Updated on EJTN activities (Demo)

  1. Updates 3 EJTN activities having a deadline of application  in March : CR/2021/17, HFR/2021/03, TM/2021/03 – programmes attached
  2. CEPOL: information on Research and Science Conference on ‘Pandemic Effects on Law Enforcement Training & Practice: Taking early stock from a research perspective’

1.Please find in below table some updates regarding 3 of the EJTN activities that have a deadline of application still in March and for which we kindly invite you to upload lists of applicants directly on OSP :


Activity reference Title + hyperlink Dates Venue Deadline of Application Updates
CR/2021/17 EJTN-CEPOL Training: Cross-border exchange of e-evidence TBC TBC TBC Venue:  Online , on the CEPOL LEED Platform


Dates:  12-23 April 2021


Application Deadline: 31 March 2021


Course Level: Intermediary


Target audience:  Prosecutors specializing in Cybercrime


Availability: 10 places for EJTN prosecutors/investigative judges specialized in cybercrime


Details on the programme:


  • The participants will be asked to dedicate approx. 1-2 hours per day, at their choice in order to complete the tasks and follow the course (majority of sessions will include pre-recorder sessions + a set of exercises/practical cases)


  • The participants will have the opportunity to interact with each other and the trainers in the forum available on the secured e-learning platform of CEPOL


HFR/2021/03 Independence and Accountability of the Judiciary and Effective Judicial Protection for Presidents of Courts and Chiefs of Prosecution Offices 8-9 April 2021 Utrecht, The Netherlands 22 February 2021 Transformed Online, on the same dates


New Application Deadline:  22 March 2021


Target Audience: Presidents of Courts and Chiefs of Prosecution Offices from all EU member States

TM/2021/03 Gather and share best practices on training needs assessment 27-28 April 2021 Budapest, Hungary 1 March 2021 Transformed Online, on the same dates


Application Deadline:  22 March 2021


Target Audience: Representatives of national training institutions actively involved in Training Needs Assessment

2.Please see below message on behalf of CEPOL :

CEPOL is organising its Research and Science Conference, from 5-7 May 2021, in partnership with Mykolas Romeris University in Lithuania.

The Conference topic is ‘Pandemic Effects on Law Enforcement Training & Practice: Taking early stock from a research perspective’.

Until 19 March 2021, practitioners from European law enforcement forces and institutions, as well as affiliated postgraduate researchers and academic scholars, can submit through the conference website their abstracts for contributions based on empirical studies in a variety of aspects and topics of policing and enforcing the law during the pandemic crisis and beyond.

We would be grateful if you could help us disseminate the information about this conference and encourage prospective experts withing your organisation and networks to submit their contribution, to come forward and take the role of moderator for one or more of the online sessions or to present a paper themselves.

There are a number of way you could help us:

Please note that registration for participating in this event, which will be hosted online for the first time since 2003, will open as of 1 April 2021.