TAIEX represents a short-term technical assistance for the candidate and potential candidate countries form the Western Balkan, in the field of approaching, application and implementation of the EU legislation, and in the upgrade of the administrative structure. TAIEX is financed from the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance of EU-IPA Multi-beneficiary Programme by the principle „first registered, first served“.
In 2003 an initial meeting for cooperation was held with the countries which are part of the stabilization and association process. On this event officially was opened an opportunity for using TAIEX services in Republic of North Macedonia.
The opportunity for using the TAIEX services, especially in the part of providing technical assistance in transposition and implementation of the EU legislation is of exceptional importance for Republic of North Macedonia. By 2006 inclusive, the costs for TAIEX instrument were covered by the CARDS programme, while today, they are completely covered through the IPA funds, wereby the institutions do not bear any extra costs. The Secretariat for European Affairs is the Coordinator of TAIEX activities in North Macedonia.
The Academy is actively involved in some of TAIEX activities that cover the judiciary.